
AES Virtual School

If you are unable to come into school, for example you are self-isolating or school is closed for training, you can access education via our virtual school.

During this time, you can complete work from the home learning packs posted to you or use any of the online education platforms we are using. You can find links to these sites and more below.

Daily lessons should be accessed here. Select your year group and follow the schedule for the day.

Additional Learning Resources

Google Classroom - assignments will be posted here

Stay Safe Online and Offline

Google Hangouts - virtual meeting software to help you connect with teachers and classmates

TT Rockstars - Additional Times Tables Practice

Spelling Shed - Core curriculum spelling practice

Prodigy - Additional Maths practice

Vooks - A streaming library of animated children's books.

Google Jamboard - An online interactive whiteboard

Into Film - media activities

Science At Home - Compilation of science activities you can do at home with minimal resources

Internet Archive - library of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

BBC Bitesize - Daily lessons for each year group.

Emotional Wellbeing